Peking University International Innovation Center, Lin-gang Special Area (PKU-IICSH) was inaugurated as a “Sci-tech Innovation Platform” licensed by the Lin-gang Special Area Administration, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in February of 2022, after contract signing in March of 2021.
Sci-tech innovation platforms form a core pillar for the Lin-gang Special Area to serve Shanghai in its efforts to become a globally influential sci-tech innovation center and build up its global innovation origin capability. It is envisaged as a new-type R&D and conversion organization designed to cater to industries’ needs for innovation and boost openness and synergy of sci-tech innovation resources.
Main functions of sci-tech platform include: supporting innovation across the industrial chain and offering technical services to the conversion process of deliverables from technical R&D across the industrial chain; bolstering R&D of major products, providing shared equipment, making breakthrough in and enabling application of common and critical technologies and products; encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, and offering guidance and support to all sorts of innovation and entrepreneurship activities with a resource pool and a package of professional technical services; and supporting and in varied ways getting involved in the nurturing and incubation of sci-tech innovation firms and projects in the industrial chain.
PKU-IICSH will leverage PKU’s innovation strengths and talent pool in terms of liberal arts, science, medicine and engineering and focus on the fields of biomedicine, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits and new materials, for example. It aims to be a magnet for global top-notch resources and deploy innovation chain, capital chain, talent chain, service chain and policy chain around the industrial chain, so as to produce more innovations. By means of deep nurturing and financial support, it will step up the conversion of sci-tech deliverables, incubate high-tech firms and build itself into a first-rated sci-tech innovation platform of global impact, thus serving to fuel innovation-driven growth of the industries in the Lin-gang Special Area and contributing to the building of Shanghai into a global leading sci-tech innovation hub.
Sina Weibo
Address: Building No. 1, Phase II, Innovation Magic Square, Lane 88, Ocean 2nd Road, Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
京ICP备05065075号-1 |京公网安备 110402430047 号
Copyright ©Peking University International S&T Innovation Center at Lin-gang Special Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone