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The Lin-gang Special Area hosted a Talent Work Meeting and Sci-tech Innovation Conference in the afternoon on Feb. 22. Zhu Zhisong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Party working committee of Lin-gang Special Area and Director of Lin-gang Special Area Administration, attended and addressed the meeting. The first batch of five talent work service stations, sci-tech innovation service stations and the second batch of eight sci-tech innovation platforms received their licenses on the same day.

Key points to take away from the meeting:

First, it is important to fully understand, exactly command, and deeply recognize the significance of talent and sci-tech innovation to the development of Lin-gang. Second, it is important to stay focused on and make every effort to achieve the goals, and with “Five Important” as the guidelines, plan for and push ahead with talent and sci-tech innovation work. Finally, it is important to foster mutual growth and improvement, and create a positive ecology in which the talent of every individual is valued and given full play to, and thus sci-tech innovation can thrive.

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Copyright ©Peking University International S&T Innovation Center at Lin-gang Special Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone