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Platform Overview

The Bioanalysis Platform is an advanced scientific research and technical service platform focused on protein expression and purification, antibody screening, and biomolecular function validation. It is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions for biomacromolecule research. As a professional bioanalysis platform, we concentrate on fundamental research, scientific innovation services, and the transformation of research outcomes related to biomacromolecules. Our aim is to offer extensive technical support services to startups and research institutions, thereby assisting in their growth and innovative development.

Functions and Services

•Protein/antibody expression and purification;

•Bioanalysis (PK/PD);

•Protein interaction analysis;

•Target compound screening;

•Qualitative and quantitative detection of small molecules;

•Molecular characterization analysis, etc.

Main Instruments

Previous: Molecular Imaging Analysis Platform

Copyright ©Peking University International S&T Innovation Center at Lin-gang Special Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone