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On September 16, 2023, the second lecture of the Peking University Dishui Lake Lecture Hall (PKU-DSLLH) was successfully held in the Shanghai Lin-gang Special Area. Mr. Lin Justin Yifu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, vice-chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the CPPCC National Committee, Peking University Boya Chair Professor, Dean and Professor of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, Professor and Honorary Dean of National School of Development at Peking University, Dean of Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development was invited to deliver a special lecture on the topic Prospects for China's Future Development with Profound Changes Unseen in a Century Evolving Rapidly(“百年未有之大变局加速演进下,中国未来发展的前景”).


Professor Lin pointed out that the changes in the global pattern from the 20th to the 21st century have demonstrated that "economy" is a crucial support for a country's "comprehensive national strength" and is vital to understanding the "once-in-a-century changes". China's rapid economic development after the reform and opening-up in 1978 has elevated its economic status and influence, leading to an increase in international discourse and reshaping the world pattern.


350 odds people from offices and departments of Peking University and departments of LSAA, enterprises, towns and entities from Lin-gang Special Area attended the event. 50k+ views were achieved via live-streaming on WeChat official account @PKU-IICSH(北大临港科创中心), and Douyin account "@人文滴水湖"


After the lecture, Chen Jinshan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Party working committee of Lin-gang Special Area, and Director of Lin-gang Special Area Administration (LSAA) met with Professor Lin, and presented him with a commemorative plaque as the second lecturer of PKU-DSLLH.


On the morning of September 17th, Professor Lin conducted on-site inspections at PKU-IICSH and provided guidance on the center's development.


Initiated with the support of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Speacial Area Administration(hereinafter referred to as Lin-gang Special Area, or LSAA), Peking University Dishui Lake Lecture Hall (PKU-DSLLH) is a collaborative effort involving Peking Unniversity Intertional Innovational Center, Lin-gang Special Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (PKU-IICSH), Peking University Office of Science and Technology Development, and Office of Humanities and Social Sciences, and enjoying an active participation from Peking University Press, Peking University Alumni Association, and other relevant offices and departments. Leveraging Peking University's profound academic foundation and expert resources in the humanities and social sciences, PKU-DSLLH focuses on key areas including economic development, humanities and arts, and social governance.

Since August 2023, PKU-DSLLH has been hosting monthly lectures featuring renowned professors or expert scholars from Peking University, who provide specialized lectures and engage in in-depth discussions with residents in Lin-gang. This initiative aims to facilitate the concentration of high-quality humanities and social science resources from Peking University in Lingang, effectively enhancing the cultural image and urban competitiveness of the Lin-gang Special Area.

Previous: PKU-DSLLH 3rd | The Nature of Modernization and China's Development Opportunities

Next: PKU-DSLLH 1st | Lin-gang, Peking University to collaborate in cultural enrichment

Copyright ©Peking University International S&T Innovation Center at Lin-gang Special Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone